I tried Reiki for the first time...here's what happened!


Reiki was an incredible experience. I wasn't sure what to think, especially because it was virtual. I have always heard great things and it has been on my spiritual bucket list for awhile. I found someone who was offering virtual sessions and came highly recommended (thanks to one of my girlfriends, Jess!). So this morning, I had my first session!

For those that don’t know, Reiki is “a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.” (Shared on Reiki.org).

It also involves your chakras. What are chakras you ask? “ Chakras, a Sanskrit language word meaning “wheel of life,” are energy centers found throughout the body. The position of each of the major chakras corresponds with an endocrine gland controlling hormonal balance. These chakras are located at the base of the spine (root chakra), between the genitals and naval (sacral chakra), a couple of inches above the naval (solar plexus chakra), the center of the chest (heart chakra), middle of the neck (throat chakra), just above the brow area (third-eye chakra), and top of the head (crown chakra).” (Shared on dummies.com)


Basically, a Reiki practitioner feels the energy within each chakra and whether it is “In balance” or “imbalanced”. When I chakra is imbalanced (aka energy is stuck or the chakra is closed) it can create issues within your body and emotional world. Each chakra is connected to a different area of the body as well as connected to specific emotions (as shown above) that it can greatly affect. Reiki practitioners help you move the energy out of that specific chakra if it isn’t in balance or blocked so that it can function better and help you THRIVE. Different life events or injuries etc can cause imbalances in our chakras so it truly helps you sort out what needs work.

I’ll be honest and say, I’ve felt for awhile I could benefit from Reiki. My sacral chakra has needed some tender, love, and care since giving birth. I’ve also really struggled with pelvic floor issues and even prior to childbirth (and now worsened due to it ) bladder issues. I had a feeling she would pick up on that. I’ve also really had a desire to connect more deeply to my higher self and guides. I tend to be hard on myself when it comes to spiritual connection and second guess a lot (even though I know we ALL can do it!) and I was curious to hear more about my third eye and crown chakra. I have also been told by truly every spiritually connected person I’ve come across that I am not very grounded aka my root chakra needs some work. Literally, my spiritual friend, the psychic a saw a few months ago, the medium Jess and I had on our Podcast (Glass Full of Soul) and even my own mother. LOL. Getting Reiki is LONG OVER DUE.

So here’s what happened:

First of all, I just have to sing praises to the woman behind the magic. I would LOVE to share her name, but she has asked to hold off until she can take on more clients. (YOU WILL KNOW AT SOME POINT!). She made me feel SO comfortable even though this was new for me and couldn't have been kinder or more warm. It was lovely just chatting with her.

She had me lay down on my mat and comfy pillow and had me put on meditative/soothing music. I actually found Reiki specific meditative music on youtube so that was easy peazy. She first said a prayer (as all good spiritual leaders do) to protect both of us and allow only what we need to hear for our highest good to come through. She then did her personal “before reiki” ritual and began.

I was really open to the process and whatever she discovered so I think it’s important to go into anything new with an open mind, especially when it comes to spiritual things. Being really closed off, skeptical, or really afraid can block you. It’s like you put this protection over yourself and it makes it harder for the people working with or on you to connect to your energy.

She started on my head and took her time to sink into her gift. She stated that my third eye chakra is actually relatively open. She didn’t feel a whole lot of energy stuck there, which as it turns out is more about your awareness, openness, and perceptions…which makes a lot of sense. I was thinking this area would be blocked, so it was good to hear it was clear. I thought that my head area would be all sorts of screwed up because of my trouble with racing thoughts and anxiety, but she said everything looked pretty good.

She then worked on my crown chakra, which she said is somewhat blocked. She shared that she felt intuitively that I’m on the path, but needed to trust that more. She said that if I continue to trust that part of me and not second guess that will help the energy flow easier. She worked on that area for awhile.

After she was about ready to move, she asked if I felt anything in my head, which I didn’t, but my hands and feet were tingling. As she continued to do her work, the more they vibrated. I’ve had the sensation a few times, but I often find myself chalking it up to bad circulation or something (again..need to work on that trusting piece).

She moved down to the throat chakra, which, I was happy to hear was open. I’ve worked a LONG TIME to step into my voice (and I’m still working on it), but with my podcast, Instagram, and business, I think my throat chakra is flowing. (even when I have my doubts or bad days).

She then made her way to the heart chakra. It didn’t even cross my mind there would be blocked energy there, but as she connected more she shared it was definitely an imbalanced area. She explained that she feels this is actually where my anxiety comes from, and not my mind or head. This kind of blew my mind because I have always fully believed that my racing head was the “problem” . (I use problem loosely as I just believe it’s an area of growth not a problem.) I started to get emotional as we delved into this chakra. Not only because I was starting to feel a little more vulnerable, but because she asked me if I felt anything as she was working on it and I didn’t. Again, I struggle with self-judgement when it comes to being spiritually connected and LONG to be someone with gifts like that and so her asking me that triggered me. I shared with her why and she confirmed that judgement on myself is a part of why my heart chakra is blocked.

She went on to say that the chakra isn’t about being in tune with yourself, but more about truly taking the time to love yourself. I was tears at this point and I began to make the connection. I have always been extra hard on myself and in fact, a lot of the perpetual thoughts are me beating myself up or being a harsh critic to myself. I tend to harp on mistakes like they define me EVEN THOUGH LOGICALLY I KNOW THIS IS NOT TRUE. I have worked on this the last several years, but more recently it’s been harder. I think with the spiritual connection, instead of accepting it being my journey and just learning and growing from it, I beat myself because I am NOT as connected as others and judge myself for that. I have also struggled off and on with trusting that I am a good enough Mom to Huck. I feel like that’s so common for mothers to do, but recently with no breaks, I’ve definitely haven’t been perfect and have beat myself up about it a lot. Thirdly, when it comes to my business , I definitely hold myself to a high standard and really try to show up for my clients and my work, but with quarantine and no child care it’s been a lot of work and no breaks (as I work on the weekends when my husbands home), so I am not giving myself enough time to self-care and love myself either.


She worked her way down to the Solar Plexus Chakra, which, to be honest, I didn’t even remember that one existed. This ones connected to your personal power, which I’ve really stepped into the last few years. She didn’t have too much to work on there.

Next, she got to my Sacral Chakra. (I was crying by this time through every step. Releasing the emotion is sometimes a part of the experience and as I’ve been very emotional lately, I wasn’t suprised). This ones connected to your bladder, reproductive system etc. With all my physical ailments there, she didn’t even need to tell me this one was blocked. But, it most certainly was. She said the energy was strong there and had me place my hands on the chakra and send it love. This …. was hard for me to do. I’ve spent a lot of time cursing it. I don’t send it love very often as I sometimes feel like it has failed me. Between STILL having postpartum issues there and my bladder being all over the place recently….it’s hard to be kind to it. However, I sunk into this feeling. I want it to heal and by treating it so poorly, or frankly, ignoring it’s existence at times (being disconnected from it), isn’t helping at all. I need to learn to love it. I thought about how I DO love it because it’s a physical sign that Huck came through me. Sure, I’d rather NOT have it, but it shows me that my body carried him. I couldn’t be more grateful for that blessing. Like really. The emotions I have for my son are indescribable. So I used the fuel from that feeling and sent it to my Sacral Chakra. I told it I loved it and would do it all over again just to have him here. That I’m so eternally grateful for what it gave me and want to find peace with the issues and changes. I sent that there (my hands were vibrating like crazy).

This moment I hope to continue to recreate on my own. It’s so important we love every inch of ourselves and I haven’t loved that area at all. Not at all. So it’s time I put my energy into healing that, not only through energy, but through my words. (which the Reiki practitioner reminded me words are ENERGY TOO!).

She then moved on to the Root Chakra. Big surprise. MAJOR BLOCK! I have been recently been getting a lot of intuitive pings that I am disconnected from my body. Not just sacral area, but all of it. I’m sure mothers can relate. After birth, it can be tough to reconnect to your new body and I’ve struggled a lot with that. Not just the way it looks either. I felt very not in tune with it for a while and have felt recently a call to connect again. It will be a process for sure, but, without me saying a thing (as the whole session I shared very little about what I felt or struggled with until after she felt into the area) she mentioned that I needed to get grounded and connected to earth and my body here on this plane and to start practicing grounding techniques. It’s funny, because I’ve been called to start doing those recently and IGNORED IT BECAUSE I DONT ALWAYS TRUST MY OWN INTUTION.

After the session was officially over, I felt different. I don’t know how to explain it. I felt calmer and better about a lot. I felt like I understood myself more and DID feel a little more connected to my body in that moment too. When the session was over, I took Huck outside and we both sat barefoot in the grass. I practiced grounding myself and it felt really positive. I used to walk around barefoot ALL THE TIME as a kid. I hated shoes. It brought me back to those childhood moments running around our yard and my inner child felt very satisfied too.

My body is a little achey and I’m tired for sure (also cause Huck doesn’t sleep LOL). I’ve been trying to hydrate and just be. I stayed off my phone for the most part (which was recommended) and just spent time outside with my family and kept my dang shoes off! I was going to hold off on writing this until tomorrow, but I just felt excited to share my experience and revelations with you while everything was still fresh on my mind.

If you have any questions about it or have experience reiki too…I’d love to hear about it!
