My Top 5 Personal Development Books!

People always ask me..

What personal development books do you recommend that helped you along your journey?

The truth is…it can really depend on who you are as a person! It depends on how you like to learn, how you like advice to come to you, where you are on your spiritual and growth journey, and really ..just your style. BUT, with that being said… there are a few books that I have read and reread and truly feel have changed my life. These books are books I would recommend to ANYONE looking to change their life, stop self sabotaging, love themselves more, and up-level themselves in a REAL WAY.

1) The Four Agreements


Brought to you by bestselling author Don Miguel Ruiz. I have read this book so many times that I have lost count. It’s a quick read and yet so profoundly life changing. It is SO SIMPLE and yet its philosophies make you truly dig deep on the way you view your problems, yourself, and others. It’s based on ancient Toltec Wisdom, but don’t be scared away by that because these four “life codes” can be applied to your modern life so powerfully. I all of us applied these philosophies to our every day life…the world would be an amazing place.

Click here to check this book out on Amazon.

2) You are a Badass


Written by bestselling author and world-traveling success coach, Jen Sincero, you truly can’t go wrong. If you are looking for a kick in the pants to start changing your life and going after your goals, Jen’s your girl. I highly recommend this book if you are a newbie to the personal development reading because she really breaks shit down for you. But really, I’d recommend this book to ANYONE because it’s incredibly applicable and lights a fire in your bum. She has a very unique way of helping you believe in yourself and laugh at yourself all in one. Her sense of humor makes You are a Badass so enjoyable WHILE you are doing away with limiting thought patterns and making real change.

Click here to read all about it on Amazon! (ALSO: Highly recommend her second book in this series ..You are Badass at Making Money! This book is INCREDIBLE and will shift your perspective about money and grow your ability to draw more of it into your life!

3) Light is the New Black


Written by Rebecca Campbell, this book will make you really think about why you are here and who you truly are. More spiritual than my prior recommendations, but no less incredibly life changing. This book is written for the women who are ready to connect to their intuitive selves, trust in their life path, and know deeply that they are powerful and meant to share their gifts. Rebecca’s unique book layout makes it simple to read and gives you tangible ways to apply the philosophies to your own life. I loved this book because it felt like a spiritual awakening wrapped up in a cozy hug.

Click here to read more about this book on Amazon.

4) A New Earth


If you thought my above recommendation was spiritual.. a New Earth takes the cake. This book, by Eckhart Tolle, will blow your mind. It’ll make you question so many beliefs you have about your life and yourself but in an incredibly beautiful way. I highly recommend this book because it has stuck with me since the moment I finished it….even from the moment I started it. Eckhart is a very unique man with a very unique gift that will allow you to profoundly shift your life view and release you from limiting beliefs you didn’t even know you had.

Click here for more on this amazing book!

5) Daring Greatly


I can’t say enough about Brene Brown. She is your go-to girl for redefining what it means to be brave. One of my favorite things about Brene is she heavily dives into the research that backs up what she preaches. This book dispels the cultural myth that vulnerability is weakness and argues that it is, in truth, our most accurate measure of courage. Beautifully written and will make you truly understand how being vulnerable in your life will give you the most happiness and success.

Click here to dig into this incredible book. (ALSO: I highly HIGHLY recommend her Netflix Special -Brene Brown-The Call to Courage!)

I could truly go on about my books in this genre. I have LOVED reading since I was a little girl, but it has been in the last 5 years personal development books have been a part of my life. I hope you love these books as I did (and do!). I’ll probably share some more books in the future, but until then start with these five!

Love to all of you,

Cait Apple