The Nasty Woman

A Nasty Woman1.png

Hell yeah, I'm a nasty


Don't you forget it

As you fight for the

thrown of your delusional


the jewels on your crown


because hearts are not

won by deceitful white and shiny


not when mother earth

is crying

you shout into her winds

but she deafens us

Hell yeah, I'm a nasty


Rooted like a wild FigTree

as Deadly as a Manchineel

I will dance at your

quadrennial wake

I will laugh as the

narcissistic emperor

steps out naked into the

eclipsed sun

knowing he believes

he is fully dressed

for the occasion

Hell yeah, I'm a nasty


Don't you forget it

as you watch a

nasty woman like me

stand second in command

in the presidential palace

that you desecrated

My nasty smile runs deep

and brings sincere crinkles

to my eyes

because no man told me to

do so

This nasty woman

she has tired bones

but her lungs can finally breathe deep

Caitlin Apple